Landscape of Life
The Landscape of Life is a beautiful tribute that was created to celebrate life – To honor those who gave, pay tribute to those who received, offer hope to those who continue to wait, and remember the lives lost while waiting…for the gift of life. The wall depicts a swaying tree in bloom, surrounded by butterflies in flight.
The Landscape of Life was created as a special place to honor organ and tissue donors, transplant recipients, members of the community, and also acknowledge contributions made in their honor. An individual’s name is added to the wall when combined contributions total $10,000 or more.
To learn more about the Landscape of Life Wall, Meditation Garden or other philanthropic opportunities, please contact Amanda Tibok at (908) 516-5649.
*The following listing reflects tribute gift totals through December 31, 2020. Please contact regarding any listing updates, errors or omissions.

Adele Albanese
Tony Alicia
Darma Alverson
Keith Amato
Kori Anderson
Charlotte S. Bashforth
Elise Catherine Bastardo
Luke D. Bautista
Maeve Behan
Jay S. Ben'Ary
Brian Bernstein
Frances Berry
David Bird
Robin Bogush
Angela Bongiovi
Stanley R. Brinster
Lois Brown
Michelle Brugger
Dan Buckiewicz
Malachy "Mack" Byrne
Edward W. Byron
Maggi Campbell
Jim Campbell
Andres Canela
Eric Caposele
Nicholas J. Cerbo
Len Cerefice
Joseph Ciccone
Eileen Cinquemane
Howard A. Cohen
David Compton
Jane Conrad
Stephen Coopersmith
Arthur J. Corniola
Carol Costa
Joseph D'Addio
Christopher Patrick D'Amico, Jr.
Courtney Dayback
Jaime David de Leon
Ronald DeModna
Ken Dereshin
Romano DiNizo
Joseph D. DiSanto
Brandon Dowler
Mike Drozd
Jerry Du
Caroline Elizabeth Duerr
Dorothea Duffy
Robert Ehrentraut
Ryan Engelke
Patrick J. Fargnoli
John Farina
Donnie Farrell
Linda Joy Finnegan
Michael Storm Fischer
Michael Fitzpatrick
Tim Flavin
Louise Fox
Keren Friede
Will Ganter
Reinaldo Garcia
Wayne J. Geraci
William BJ Giannone
Kevin T. Gilbert
Dr. Randall Giles
Robert Glover
Richard E. Grossman
William D. Heinz
Lisa Hulbert
Beverly Hunt
John Januszanis
Andrew Richard Jova
Sham Karnani
Alice O. King
Valerie Kloss
Riley Kogen
Christopher Kolb, Jr.
Sammi K. Kraft
Jonathon Kuzminski
Evan Charles Laible
Rebecca Jean Larsen
Herbert Lazarus
John Levine
Robert B. Linton, III
Anthony Lisanti
Joan L. Lisowski
Ena Lue
Hugh MacDonald, Jr.
Cynthia A. Mahoney
Nicholas Marino
Antonio A. Marrufo
Mickey McCabe
Noah McDonoughBarbara A. Mead
Melissa B. Mercado
Sarah J. Meyers
Maddie Midwinter
Gerry Mohl
Maryann Montano
Myrtis Moore
Mark Naughton
Emma Navarro
Caitlin Mary Nelson
Susie Nelson
Betsy Niles
Matthew Nierstedt
David A. Noble
Joyce A. Novotny
Shaun T. O'Brien
Kristen O'Hara
Sean O'Neil
Tanya Piccini
Hailey Palumbo
E. Denise Peoples
Robert Plona
Sam Prince
Nehal Ramchandani
Mark Reagan
Jim Rhatican
Anthony Rizzo
Tyler J. Rodimer
Missy Rodriguez
Alan Rogolsky
Peter J. Rooney
Joe Roth
Matthew Roth
Emma Rothman
Linda Rubinstein
Nick Ruvelas
Joseph C. Savage, IV
Jayla Sorenson
Brad Sorrentino
Mason Stein
Dana V. Sutkowski
Jill Szalony
Paul D. Talbert
Carol Thompson
Jessica Tosco
Bill Van Etten
Romeo VanBuskirk
Marie Venezia
Cynthia Von Schmidt
Steven Wall
Jason Wetmore
Hope Wolf

Mark Abene
Katelyn Ackerman
James Albano
Stanley R. Aleski
Jordan Allen
Amy Elizabeth Anderson
Mary Ellen Attiya
Heather Anne Aurora
Nikhil Badlani
John E. Bannister
Caroline Barrett Kelly
Lois Baukema
Stacie Baumann
Bianca M. Beck
Woodwerth Bein III
Eric Berlin
Lauren Block
Edward Bond
Howard Boyce
Cindy Boyea
Jamie Lee Brazina
Jeffrey Brewster
Samantha Bruno
Evelyn Buddle
Joseph Burlew, Jr.
Michael P. Buro
Ann B. Byrne
Mildred Caffrey
Peter Campisi
Gilberto Castro
Benjamin R. Chirls
James T. Clark
Sean Patrick Clegg
Elliott Cohen
Rachele Coletta
Jared Colon
Andrew J. Colucci
Jayson Conrad
Terry Conte
Thomas Cooke
Veronica Coyle
Catherine Crosbie
Gerard Crosbie
Edward Cummings
Michael K. Cunningham
Dorothy Davenport
Frank Dayon
Frank Dell'Aquila
Jack Denholtz
Victoria Paige DeVivo
Ben Diamond
Maria L. DiMeo
Eleanor Dodge
Eugene Doherty
Norman A. Doyle, Jr.
Lilah Durr
Timothy Paul Eland, Jr.
Stanley Epstein
Daniel Falco
Matt Felix
James J. Fessel
Thomas Flynn
Bill Ford
Kathy Freeman
Joseph Fucito
Antonio Gasparro
Robin Gentile
Dawn Geoghegan
Joline Glover
Bruce I. Goldstein
Jorge Gonzales
Virginia Gottlieb
The Grace Family
Michele Grana
Kyle Gregory
Nick Gruszka
Nicholas Gulics
Garrett Gurrieri
Ava Grace Halpin
Rosemarie Hampp
Frederick S. Hatem, III
Ira I. Heller
Jeffrey Hoefler
Erin Paige Hoer
Todd A. Holloway
Jeffrey Hornecker
Helen Hunter
Daniel Hussey
Kayla Ibrahim
Deral Ingram
Dr. Jamila Irons-Johnson
Zoe Jackson
Margaret L. Jargot
Megan Jaret
Sierra Kerber
Brian Kern
Jay Khare
Paul Kieltyka
William Klarmann
Matthew Koch
Brian Koller
Howard Korn
David Kornas
Susan Krakowiecki
Alice Kramer
Marvin Kurland
Fernando Lalama
Holly Beth Larsen
Andrew F. Latincsics
Henrietta Lattibourdere
Curtiss Ling
Stanley R. Lisowski
Cecile Lovit
Lisa Luciano
Linda Luthman
Scott Mitchell Lysenko
Dennis John Malloosseril
Peter Joseph John Manley
Joseph A. Marangi
Orlando Marrero
T'Neil Martin
Ronald Martini
Louis Massetti
Peter Matthews
Raymond McPherson
Devin McQueen
Edward R. Meola
Michael Meritz
Sadie Mignott
Mathew Misdom
Carmen Mohamadi
Megan Mohrbutter Anderson
Joyce Mokrzycki
Michael F. Monica
Gary N. Moore, Jr.
Bryan Mueller
James C. Murphy
Jason Necker
Sue Negrin
Richard Olchvary
Rhonda Olshewitz
Meagan O'Neill
Tom O'Neill
Timothy O'Neill
Marisa Pagano
Anthony B. Palaia
Bhupendra Patel
Anthony Paxton
Karen Vonk
Michael Pentz
Deborah Pentz
Roberto DeJesus Perez
Ines Jahira Perez
Donna Petrasek
John D. Pflug, III
Jennifer E. Piscopiello
Paul Podrazik
Stephen Greg Pollock
Frances Portine
Roy Praschil
AJ Prentice
Jason Kendall Ray
William Reitsma
Josephine Riley
Louis W. Rios
Cecelia Ritter
William S. Romanello
Tim Ruttle Rutman
Carole A. Sarnowski
Tom Sarnowski
Nicos Savva
Kimberly Schaffran
Erica Shoenberner
Danielle Schrenk
Matthew R. Schutz
Jessa Scott
Sean Matthew Semeraro
Todd Elliot Semon
Pinkal Shah
Donald Sheperd
Karen Shimomura
Gerard Sigtermans
Gary E. Siriday
Brent E. Smith
Sherryl Smith
Gregory Snell
Michael D. Snyder
Erin Edwards
Glenn South
John H. Stamler
Richard Stamler
Stephen G. Stamler
Victor Startek
Carol Steadman
Arnold Strong
Robert J. Sullivan
Judy Swarthout
Jason & Kevin Szabo
Leon Szewczyk
Renee Therese Tedesco
Rodney Templon
Peter Thomson
Bob Thomson
Michael Thomson
Zan Tozzi
John A. Trzanowski
Allison Vandal
Dennis Vazquez
Jaime Vega
Brian Vitale
Robert Walker, Jr.
Jim Wall
Melinda M. Walters
Richard Weber
Ken Wenger
Anthony Williams
Paul Yeskel
Annabelle Helen Young
Each year our Foundation unveils the Wall of Contributors, a special place dedicated to honoring our leading contributors and advocates.